Privacy Statement

Privacy & Collection Statement

At BaptistCare NSW & ACT (BaptistCare) we recognise that your privacy is very important. As a care provider, we need to collect information to ensure we maximise care and service delivery to our clients and to meet government regulatory requirements.

BaptistCare is required to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) under that Act (as well as applicable State and Territory legislation) to protect, properly use, correct and destroy (or de-identify) records containing personal information.

This Privacy & Collection Statement sets out, in summary, the purpose for which your personal information will be collected and used, the safeguards that are in place to prevent non-authorised access to your information, and how you can access this information. Further information is available in our Safeguarding your Privacy Policy.

Collecting Your Information

BaptistCare will only collect personal information if it is reasonably necessary for our functions or activities. Health information (being a specific type of personal information) is only collected if we are providing a health service to you or where it is reasonably necessary for our functions or activities and you have given consent. The information is collected so that we can provide you with the most appropriate services and care (as applicable). Such information may include your name, address, date of birth, contact details, health and family history, ethnic background, signature, financial details and person responsible details.

Where possible we collect this information directly from you and we aim to ensure that all information is accurate and kept up-to-date. In an emergency, or if it is not possible to collect the information directly from you, we may need to collect information from your designated person responsible. We may also need to collect information from health professionals who have treated you so we can provide the care that best suits your individual requirements.

The Privacy Act allows for the possibility of identifying yourself by way of a pseudonym. However, an exception to this is where it would be impracticable for 1 BaptistCare to deal with an unidentified individual and this will commonly be the case for the services which we provide.

If you do not wish for us to collect certain information about you, please let us know and we will discuss with you if this may have any consequences for your care. BaptistCare has consent forms which provide more details on specific personal information we collect at BaptistCare. If you are asked to complete a consent form, you have the opportunity to specify certain restrictions on information that we hold relating to you.

Protection And Storage

Your information may be held in paper and / or electronic files (or other forms such as images, x-rays, or audio or video recording) and BaptistCare takes all reasonable steps to ensure your records are stored securely, following recognised security and storage processes.

We are required by law to retain certain records for specific periods of time (even after you may have ceased receiving our care or services), depending on the type of record and service. When any records are destroyed in keeping with legislated retention periods, BaptistCare follows accepted secure protocols. You can seek more information on these legislated retention periods from our Information and Records Management staff via the Privacy Officer.

Use And Disclosure

As described below, staff will only use or disclose your personal or health information for:

  • the primary purpose for which you have provided the information;
  • a secondary purpose related (and in the case of health information, directly related) to the
  • primary purpose of collection;
  • a purpose you have consented to; or
  • a purpose otherwise permitted by law.

Examples of our use or disclosure may include:

  • sharing information with your person responsible, your Medical Practitioner or other health services involved in your care, unless you request otherwise
  • billing or other purposes required for the operation of BaptistCare including safety & quality improvement initiatives. This may include Medicare, health funds and government bodies
  • contacting you regarding client satisfaction surveys that help us to evaluate and improve our services
  • In an emergency where your life is at risk
  • for other purposes permitted or required by law.

BaptistCare may engage third party service providers to support our internal operations. This may mean that your personal information will be required by those service providers to be stored electronically overseas (including in the United States). When we engage the services of such third parties, we take reasonable steps to ensure that they do not breach the APPs and maintain the confidentiality of any personal information. Personal information will not otherwise be sent overseas, except possibly for public health research purposes where it will only be sent in summary form and following the removal of any personal identifiers. Please refer to our Safeguarding Your Privacy Policy for further information on use and disclosure, including as regards any direct marketing.

Access To Your Records

As described in our Safeguarding Your Privacy Policy, your personal and health information can be accessed by you, your legal representative, authorised BaptistCare staff and your nominated Medical Practitioner and pharmacist.

You can request access to all personal information held by BaptistCare. Requests must be made in writing by you or your legal representative, providing relevant identification. This is needed to ensure we maintain your privacy and security.

Access to your personal records may be refused in circumstances prescribed by applicable legislation, including if your Medical Practitioner and BaptistCare agree that access would prejudice your physical or mental health, or put another person at harm.

If you believe information we hold about you is incorrect, please let us know and we will verify and (where applicable) correct the information.

Agreement To Use Of Your Information

By providing your personal information, you agree to the use of such information in accordance with this Statement and as further described in our Safeguarding Your Privacy Policy.

Further Information

Should you have any questions relating to information in this Privacy & Collection Statement or if you require further details about our privacy policies and practices please contact the BaptistCare Privacy Officer by calling 1300 275 227, via email at or in writing to the Privacy Officer, PO Box 7626, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153.

Our Safeguarding Your Privacy Policy also sets out how you can make a complaint regarding privacy.

Downloadable Documents

Safeguarding Your Privacy
Website Statement



Last updated October 2019
BaptistCare NSW & ACT
ABN 90 000 049 525