Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement 

Scentre Group (‘us’, ‘we’, ‘Scentre Group’) recognises the trust you are placing in us through your dealings with us. We are committed to the protection of your personal information. Our policies comply with our legal obligations and are intended to protect your privacy in respect of any personal information that you may provide to us.

Scentre Group’s recruitment website (the Site) has been developed and is facilitated by Scentre Group’s third party provider PageUp.  This means PageUp collects your personal information and transmits it to Scentre Group so that we can consider your application.

 What information we collect and why

We are collecting your personal information for the purpose of considering your application for employment with Scentre Group.  We collect your information when you fill out an application through the Site or update your profile through the Site.

We may also collect your personal information to consider you for future employment opportunities with Scentre Group. Scentre Group may retain your personal information if you are unsuccessful to contact you in relation to future job opportunities.

When you register as a candidate on Scentre Group's Site , we collect your personal information, such as:

  • your name;
  • date of birth;
  • gender;
  • your contact details such as phone number; your postal address; your email address and any social media handles you use on recruitment websites; your CV and other correspondence; and
  • any other information we request from you to consider your application.

We may require you to complete a background check through our third party providers to assess your suitability for a role. To complete these checks we may provide our third party service provider with certain personal information for the purpose of contacting you to complete the background check.  We may collect your personal information from these service providers for the purpose of reviewing your suitability for the role.

We will update the information we hold about you, for example, your CV, when you provide, or we receive new information about you or if requested by you.

You are not required by law to disclose your personal information to us, but we may not be able to accept or process your application for employment if you do not supply this information

Who collects the information

The information collected about you which is held or used in connection with this site may be collected by or disclosed to:

  • Scentre Group via the Page Up portal; and
  • Third party providers for the purpose of background checks.

Other information we collect

We may also collect the following information while you use our Site:

  • the fully qualified domain name from which you accessed  the Site, or alternatively, your IP address;
  • the date and time you accessed each page on the Site
  • the URL of any webpage from which you accessed our Site (the referrer)
  • the web browser that you are using and the pages you accessed.

We use this information so that we can tell which pages are the most popular and where candidates spend most of their time. We use this information to improve our Site and candidate experience.

How your information is stored

Information held about you (for example, your CV) is held in a database which is managed and administered on behalf of Scentre Group by PageUp. This information will be stored confidentially and securely on the Page Up system and held on servers in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia.  The security of your personal information is important to us and we take reasonable steps to protect it from misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure

Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

You acknowledge and agree that by providing Scentre Group with any personal information through PageUp, you consent to the transmission of such personal information for the purpose.  Where personal information is shared we will seek to ensure that the information is held, used or disclosed consistently with the Privacy Act.  We may use and share your personal information:

  • Where you have given your consent;
  • For the purpose it was collected or a secondary purpose;
  • To contact you in relation to your application or where we consider that you are suitable for another role;
  • To assess your suitability for a role, for example by checking your employment history with your referees or professional organisations;
  • To service providers we engage to assist with the recruitment process, including our database operator, recruitment agencies, security organisations
  • To administer and organise background checks;
  • To onboard you into the Scentre Group as an employee is you are successful;
  • As authorised or required by law, for example to government or regulatory organisations.

Deletion of your personal information

We will retain your personal information for the purpose it was collected but in any event, no longer than two years either from the date which it was collected, or the date you last logged in to the system, whichever is the latter.  Upon such time, your personal information will be deleted.

You may  request that we remove your personal information from PageUp at any time by emailing us at  We will take reasonable steps to ensure that PageUp deletes your personal information.

Changes to our Privacy Statement

This privacy statement relates to our current privacy standards applicable to candidates who register with Scentre Group's Sit. We may vary this privacy statement from time to time. 

For further information about how we deal with your personal information please visit our Privacy Policy.