Privacy Statement

Who is collecting the information?

Anglicare Victoria is collecting your information. Privacy concerns can be sent to the Privacy Officer, 103 Hoddle Street, Collingwood 3015 or contact us by phone on +613 9412 6133 or email

Facts and circumstances of collection

Information is collected from you at the time you complete your application for employment. You will only be asked to provide the information necessary to complete the process.



Why does Anglicare Victoria need to collect this information?

We need to collect this information so:

  1. we can determine your suitability for employment  engagement
  2. we can complete all the necessary steps in preparing you for your employment should you be successful
  3. we can contact you about your current application or future employment or volunteer opportunities  

The primary purpose for which the information is being collected

The primary purpose of collecting this information is to undertake recruitment and, if you are successful, in relation to your employment.

As part of our recruitment process, we require pre-commencement background checks.  These checks may include, but are not limited to, a police check and a working with children check. We will tell you if we require more information from you and that information must be provided to us in order for your application to proceed.

The secondary purposes for which Anglicare Victoria is collecting this information

The secondary purpose for collecting this information is to include your profile on our recruitment database and receive email notification of job opportunities that match the preferences you selected or suit your skills and experience. At any time you may delete your profile from our recruitment system and unsubscribe from the email notifications by accessing your account using your login.

What happens if Anglicare Victoria doesn't collect this information?

If Anglicare Victoria does not collect this information from you we will be unable to consider your application for employment.


If Anglicare Victoria does not collect your name we will be unable to consider your application for employment.

Disclosure of your information

The information that you submit to us may be disclosed to Anglicare Victoria recruiters directly involved in the recruitment process, referees and other third parties involved in recruitment activities.

How will my information be stored?

Your information will be stored securely and protected from unauthorised access. Anglicare Victoria utilises servers located in Australia for data storage.

Consent and Warranty

I consent to Anglicare Victoria using and disclosing my personal information in the manner described above.

I warrant that:

  • I have read and understand the above statement.
  • All the information I submit via this site (including any attachments) is true and complete. I understand that any false or misleading information I provide may lead to rejection of my application, review of any employment engagement I accept with Anglicare Victoria, and potentially my dismissal from such employment.