Before you submit your application, please read this statement regarding the use of your personal information. Please do not submit any information if you do not want it to be dealt with in the ways described in this following notice.
The organisation you are dealing with is Smiggle Singapore Pte Ltd (Company No 201014564Z) of #22-04 United Square, 101 Thomson Road, Singapore 307591 (Smiggle).
By submitting your application or registering to be notified of future job opportunities, you will be required to provide personal details, including contact and application information. You can access and correct your personal information held by Smiggle by contacting the Privacy Officer at the address above or by email to You are also able to view and edit your application details at any time directly, by logging onto your account at disclosure on your part is strictly voluntary and will be kept confidential. This information is being collected solely for the purpose of recruitment and assessing your application for employment. Your personal information may be disclosed to third parties involved in the Smiggle recruitment process (such as software providers, contractors and external organisations engaged to conduct recruitment assessments). Personal information may be obtained from your referees. This information may be disclosed where required or authorised by law. If you are successful in obtaining a position it will then form part of your employment record.
You acknowledge and agree that, in carrying out the above activities, your information may be controlled and processed by any of Smiggle's officers, affiliates, agents and contractors worldwide and transferred outside Singapore.
In completing this application you are consenting to us collecting and using this information for the purposes as indicated, however failure to provide any of the requested details during our recruitment process might affect our ability to assess your application or further progress your application.
If your application is unsuccessful, Smiggle may retain your information and may contact you if a suitable opportunity arises in the future. Please withdraw your application through your account on our website or contact us should you not wish for your details to be kept on file.
Smiggle is an equal opportunity employer, and seeks to select the best-qualified individual for the job based upon job related qualifications and does not discriminate against anyone for any reason.
All applicants hired will be required to provide proof of eligibility to work in Singapore.
To view the Smiggle privacy policy, please
click here