Privacy statement

No 1 Riverside Quay Pty Ltd and BP Australia Pty Ltd (BP) are aware of the concern by individuals about privacy risks and the supply of sensitive information. As such, BP is committed to ensuring that its principles and practices respect the rights of all individuals the company comes into contact with, either as prospective employees or otherwise.

Specifically, BP is committed to compliance with the principles and guidelines as set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (as amended)

This Privacy Statement and BP?s general Privacy Policy which can be obtained from details how we manage your personal information.




Your personal information is collected and held by BP and will only be used for recruitment and selection purposes.


In relation to the collection of personal information for Recruitment and Selection purposes BP makes the following statement:


?          The information collected by the organisation may be disclosed to and shared within the BP business, referees, agencies and other organisations used to assist in the recruitment and selection process and/or security organisations as required.


?          If you choose not to provide your personal information, the company may be unable to proceed with your application for employment.


?          Any further information collected about you at all stages of the recruitment process will be disclosed in the same manner as information described in this form.


?          Wherever possible, BP will only collect personal information directly from the specific individual themselves.


?          You may request for any information collected by BP about you to be removed from our systems.  Such requests will be actioned as soon as reasonably practicable. 


Use and Disclosure

  • BP will not use or disclose information to any other party for a purpose other than the primary purpose for which the information was collected (i.e. recruitment and selection), unless by specific consent from the individual concerned. 

Data Quality

  • BP will make every reasonable effort to ensure that  the data we collect is both accurate, complete and current.

Data Security

  • BP is committed to ensuring that the personal information collected and retained is secured from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure, as well as misuse and loss.  Any information no longer needed will be destroyed or de-identified.  


  • Upon request, BP will inform individuals of the type of information it holds.
  • The company must outline to individuals from whom it collects information, the purpose for holding personal information, and how the information is to be collected.
  • BP provides documented and accessible policies with regards to its management of personal information.

Access and Correction  

  • A request to access your personal information the company holds or in relation to an inquiry about privacy should be sent to your local HR Advisor.

  • Upon request, BP will provide any personal information that the company holds provided appropriate proof of identification is provided and a corresponding release signature.
  • Other than in exceptional circumstances, BP will provide access to personal information held by the company, to the individual about whom the information is held.
  • Upon request, BP will incorporate processes for the correction of the information held.


  • BP will not use identifiers assigned to individuals by government agencies (such as Tax File Numbers or Medicare numbers) as specific BP identifiers.


  • BP provides individuals with the option of not identifying themselves when transacting with an organisation, unless that anonymity is unlawful or impractical.


  • This Privacy Statement and BP's Privacy Policy may change from time to time.  Should changes be made to our privacy commitment, we will post these changes on our website located at 


  • I have read and understand the above Privacy Statement and BP?s Privacy Policy. 
  • I am qualified to work in Australia and, if requested, can provide evidence of that fact (birth certificate, citizenship certificate, photo ID and/or working visa, as appropriate).
  • I agree and consent for BP to use and disclose my personal information in the manner described above.
  •  I declare that all the information given in this form is true and correct and understand that any false or misleading information may lead to my continued employment with the company being reviewed.